Masteruniverse 95·1/30/2023in GeneralScarlet Spider is man of focus, commitment, sheer will something that we know very little about.Spider-ManElectroSpider TeamOverdriveJackal
Masteruniverse 95·1/30/2023in GeneralElectro (Francine Frye) (Theme Song)Sonic Frontiers Find Your Flame (Jersey Club)YouTubeElectro
Masteruniverse 95·1/21/2023in GeneralIf it's a fight, I'm ready to goI wouldn't put my money on the other guy.ElectroOverdrive
Batsticks·1/18/2023in GeneralHeadcanon Voice Actors: Scorpia (Elaine Coll) - Genesis Rodriguez(Edited by Batsticks)ElectroScorpion
Batsticks·12/21/2022in GeneralHeadcanon Voice Actors: Bombshell (Lana Baumgartner) - Eden RiegelElectroSinister SixNorman Osborn
Spidey2044·11/25/2022in GeneralThe New Sinister SixFrom Marvel's Spider-Man: The Movie.1.The Jackal (Leader)2.Scarlet Spider (second in command)3.Beetle 4.Electro 5.Spot6.Looter ElectroJackalSinister SixBeetleThe Spot
Spidey2044·11/17/2022in GeneralWhich Electro suit would you like to see in the movie?Remained the same ( from season 2)Changed Secondary Green & YellowVote7 Votes in PollElectro
Batsticks·7/14/2022in GeneralWhich Villains Should Be Second in Commands In Scarlet-Spider Team in the same name arc name after.Overdrive Electro Vote12 Votes in PollElectroOverdrive
Batsticks·7/7/2022in GeneralElectro (Francine Frye's) is a goddamn perfect villain and never has a chance to explore her story. Electro
Batsticks·5/29/2022in GeneralWhich villain(‘s) in the continuation comic should be the overarching antagonist?Norman Osborn return as Green Goblin New Sinter Six led by MysterioKingpin & Crime Master ArachknightThe HandRoxxon/A.I.M working togetherVote22 Votes in PollSpider-ManElectroSand GirlOverdriveNorman OsbornMysterioScorpionSlydeAIM
Batsticks·2/13/2022in GeneralWhich of these villains do you think deserve be reformed as...good or less anti-hero?Black CatThe LizardSilver SableElectroPanda-Mania and HippoWake Riders (except Barkley Blitz)Vote27 Votes in PollBlack CatElectroHippoPanda-ManiaWake RidersSilver SableCurt Connors
Batsticks·1/20/2022in GeneralWhich villains you’re wanting to return in Marvel's SpiderMan continuation comic (Part: One)?CrossbonesElectroSlydeAlistair SmytheHammerheadWake RidersVote19 Votes in PollElectroWake RidersAlistaire SmytheHammerheadSlydeCrossbones
Batsticks·12/6/2021in GeneralWhich Is Best SpiderMan Villain #2?Doctor Octopus/Otto OctaviusElectro/Francine FryeSandGirl/Keemia MarkoLizard/Curt ConnorsVote24 Votes in PollElectroSand GirlCurt ConnorsDoctor Octopus