Tinkerer - (Fred Tatasciore)
Captain America (Steve Rogers) - (Jeff Schine)
Male Bule Wake Riders - (Matthew Curtis), Female Yellow Wake Riders - (G. K. Bowes) and Male Orange Wake Riders - (Joe Zieja)
Captain Marvel - (Erica Lindbeck)
Ms. Marvel - (Sandra Saad)
Scientist Supereme - (Jolene Andersen)
Grady Scraps - (Blake Anderson)
Chameleon - (Sam Riegel)
27 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
9 Votes in Poll
Awhile searching and looking at Spider-Man comics when read Web of Spider-Man #1 did discover this group called “Vulturions” , basically a group of former prisoners and criminals who share the same cell with Vulture and recreate his winged costumes to get their revenge against SpiderMan for being imprisoned. Vulturions only made three appearances in the first three issues of Web of Spider-Man. Vulturions could make their return in Avengers: The Initiative, Marvel Knights & Civil War II. They only make seven appearances and are unforgettable foes of the list of SpiderMan rogue gallery barely made top 20 forgotten SpiderMan enemies.
Wake Riders are possibly based on Vulturions? Season 2 Episode “Rise Above It All” written by Mark Hoffmeier (who wrote episodes for previous Marvel & SpiderMan shows Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Spider-Man Unlimited, The Super Hero Squad Show & Avengers Assemble and written script for games like Shattered Dimensions & Marvel Super Hero Squad) when Hoffmeier did when created Wake Riders he did took look at Web of Spider-Man comics and took inspired from Vulturions. Not only did Barkley Blitz share the same name, Jamie Zimmerman also named Blitz. Wake Riders and Vulturions, similar with each having four members on the team, modified their suits after one of most recognized SpiderMan villains and having a female member. Coincidence i think not. Now what does this mean?
We get a special film or continuation of a comic (season four wouldn’t happen but that doesn't mean that universe and characters aren't dead). If Barkley & Wake Riders would return they would remain still calling themselves “Wake Riders” or change their names to “Vulturions” with costumes colors change to resemble to the comic with gold and red shade and still loyalty to Vulture after Goblin War. But didn’t want members name and identity change wanted 3/4 of Wake Riders/Wake Goblins/Vulturions are revealed to be Cassie, Eddie and Johnny also known as Dusk, Hornet and Ricochet. Those three members of Slingers with Barkley being Prodigy. Still want to seen Slingers in any SpiderMan media rather be costumes in games or just serve as boss like in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. To planting a seed idea for Wake Riders became Slingers with conflicts in the team and seen Spider-Team fighting Slingers like in the comics.
8 Votes in Poll
4 Votes in Poll
Prodigy (Barkley Blitz)-Leader
Ricochet (Blue Wake Riders Member/Johnny Gallo)
Hornet (Orange Wake Riders Member/Eddie McDonough)
Dusk (Yellow Wake Riders Member/Cassie St. Commons)
Additional Members
Gabby Flenkman (promoter)
Alistaire Smythe (Tech Information)
News that Slingers returned in next year February of 2020. Think it time this group official since now they brought to mainstream audiences and dusk movie still in development for didn’t how long. Slingers need appearances beside customers or cameos. A episode where spider-team encountered with Slingers (Ricochet, Dusk, Prodigy and Hornet). Four new heroes emerge form the scene revealed to be Barkley Blitz and Wake Riders.
Though originally season four arc idea adaptation "Identity Crisis" storyline and spider-team (Peter, Miles, Gwen and Anya) are being framed for a crime they’re committed and there five million-dollar reward, so Peter make them new superhero costume and identity to investigate who set them and imagine being four part similar to bring on the bad guy and goblin war arc. That be good for arc but think given Slingers identity’s to Wake Riders. Each two’s team have four members, make sense and MSM 2017 slightly not good villains besides Norman and Otto and few to name. With criticism form fans villains of the show not seen interesting and well unlikely even in the comic. Thoughts season 4 and maybe fifth season (if we discussed further future and plans of Marvel’s SpiderMan) writers could give villains layering and depth make them viewers care make a lots and like more seen really interested (looking at electro). Even Wake Riders like to bit of more backstory from them with being a in-team conflict between Barkley Blitz and one of Wake Riders (being the blue guy and hopefully name reveals to be Johnny Gallo and minus being a mutant due to Marvel Studios still couldn’t them yet in the future) after vultures fate remains a mysterious (either gone missing or dead, wouldn’t reveal anytime). With 3/4 of Wake Riders undecided if want still with Barkley since they begin from start off as Wake Riders/Wake Goblins or change there way’s do some good with suit’s.
6 Votes in Poll
6 Votes in Poll
When season four whatever be announced and series started development from long waited hiatus that Marvel Animation are is statues is believed closed that end for this series? That a no. With writers took take there time to improve on next season with criticism over four about Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) with community either declared as worst adaptation towards to SpiderMan any media like the movies and games. With major issues that characters, animation and entire series meant existed for glorified advertising toys and cashing in existing MCU ever since Disney bought Marvel back in 2009 by early 2010s series have fan divided (that topic for another time).
With Marvel's Spider-Man in loop with fan’s questioning the series canceled or renewed for another season, how season four concluded by starting adaptation W.E.B. of Spider-Man (comic series writing by one of writers Kevin Shinick) or something new never seen on any SpiderMan animation series. One thing is villains. Villains are more interesting than heroes, felt villains of Marvel's Spider-Man one-dimension and unlikable (looking at Jack O'Lantern and Alistair Smythe) even Silver Sable in past variants (besides comics and video games) she treated as villains than anti-hero/ally’s to SpiderMan. Look at Hippo, Panda-Mania, Jack O'Lantern, the Spot (since 90s), Overdrive, Slyde and rest of Wild Pack members who there animation appeared thank to Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) for use least known villains than well known that seen before in any media (similar to Batman: Beyond). You’re should appreciating Marvel's Spider-Man trying something different from previous before.
Now there two villains...one villain and one group of villains that later on three of four choose path redeem
First up is Goblin Knight (Phil Urich). It not secret in any SpiderMan adaptation in animation, movies and video games. Goblin Goblin or any name before or end affiliation with goblin name like Hobgoblin. Remember the "Lead Goblin" only appearance in the episode Goblin War: Part One” kind of look like Harry?
Many fans to believe “Lead Goblin” to be Phil Urich that wasn’t confirmed by writers, storyboard artists or /character designer. Believe writers could that opportunity to use Lead Goblin as not main but major enemies not only SpiderMan about Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) & Hob-Heroes.
How re-introduced this character by episode that where there second Hobogoblin framing other Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) by committee crimes in the city. Spider-Team & Harry believe either ex member of Goblin Nation or any villain secret working for Norman since he faked own death before episode “Generation” and later in future episode, future season or...spin off that Phil Urich became Goblin Knight (from Superior Spider-Man #16) served like as major enemies towards Harry & teams of Hob-Heroes. Like Phil Urich his origin loose similar did in the comics with few major changes for the show, Marvel Animation recently kept things PG with not fear be mature at sometimes. With reasoning why Phil Urich hatred Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) and joined
Goblin Nation in most justifiable motives.
Wake Riders only appeared twice in the shows and forgotten by SpiderMan fans, hell fans remember villains from MTV Spider-Man than this guys, think writers would use them for being as Slingers from the comics. Wake Riders have four members and Slingers have Four members. Make sense? Reason why not Wake Riders take up identity of Ricochet, Hornet, Dusk and Prodigy. Slingers never made appearances in any SpiderMan animation shows before. Only appeared in games as costume and one-time Prodigy served as boss in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. Plus that reportedly that “Dusk” he, she or them character getting own movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. Think that four season perfectly could use Wake Riders/Slingers in a episode imagine Web-Warriors facing-off Slingers like Peter and Ben encountered they battle with Slingers before did in comics.
Since second season we didn’t know much about Barkley Blitz and three unnamed Wake Riders members, they completely forgotten not even on any lists of forgotten rouge gallery list of SpiderMan villains. Think each three Wake Riders could shared same names members of Slingers and kept characters backstory least same like did in comics
Blue Wake Riders/Ricochet (Johnathon Gallo)
Orange Wake Riders/Hornet (Edward McDonough)
Yellow Wake Riders/Dusk (Cassie St. Commons)
And Barkley could only donned identity of Prodigy (Not David Alleyne from New Mutants) also have similar backgrounds to Richard Gilmore. There felt needed to be changed because in any adaptation came with superheroes like comic book it not always 100% accurately from sources material. Four Slingers costumes did created Peter Parker in comic about what if...? Costumes was made by Alistair Smythe aand given to Wake Riders secret be stolen techs and plan a heist in secret by pretending to be heroes.
With a interesting twists could like to a in-conflict between Barkley and rest of Wake Riders question Barkley leadership on team even care about them a while one of Wake Riders have second thoughts and try convince two others left Barkley & Wake Riders behind try do some good with there abilities to help people. Seen writers could give extra there time making auditions like the villains little more than one-note bad guys of week by characterize them and make us about felt about them by going different directions in them that call “Character Development” with some villains not all but major like to same with Sandgirl or Electro they did before with Doc. Oct what not same with other SpiderMan foe?
When season four whatever be announced and series started development from long waited hiatus that Marvel Animation are is statues is believed closed that end for this series? That a no. With writers took take there time to improve on next season with criticism over four about Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) with community either declared as worst adaptation towards to SpiderMan any media like the movies and games. With major issues that characters, animation and entire series meant existed for glorified advertising toys and cashing in existing MCU ever since Disney bought Marvel back in 2009 by early 2010s series have fan divided (that topic for another time).
With Marvel's Spider-Man in loop with fan’s questioning the series canceled or renewed for another season, how season four concluded by starting adaptation W.E.B. of Spider-Man (comic series writing by one of writers Kevin Shinick) or something new never seen on any SpiderMan animation series. One thing is villains. Villains are more interesting than heroes, felt villains of Marvel's Spider-Man one-dimension and unlikable (looking at Jack O'Lantern and Alistair Smythe) even Silver Sable in past variants (besides comics and video games) she treated as villains than anti-hero/ally’s to SpiderMan. Look at Hippo, Panda-Mania, Jack O'Lantern, the Spot (since 90s), Overdrive, Slyde and rest of Wild Pack members who there animation appeared thank to Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) for use least known villains than well known that seen before in any media (similar to Batman: Beyond). You’re should appreciating Marvel's Spider-Man trying something different from previous before.
Now there two villains...one villain and one group of villains that later on three of four choose path redeem
First up is Goblin Knight (Phil Urich). It not secret in any SpiderMan adaptation in animation, movies and video games. Goblin Goblin or any name before or end affiliation with goblin name like Hobgoblin. Remember the "Lead Goblin" only appearance in the episode Goblin War: Part One” kind of look like Harry?
Many fans to believe “Lead Goblin” to be Phil Urich that wasn’t confirmed by writers, storyboard artists or /character designer. Believe writers could that opportunity to use Lead Goblin as not main but major enemies not only SpiderMan about Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) & Hob-Heroes.
How re-introduced this character by episode that where there second Hobogoblin framing other Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) by committee crimes in the city. Spider-Team & Harry believe either ex member of Goblin Nation or any villain secret working for Norman since he faked own death before episode “Generation” and later in future episode, future season or...spin off that Phil Urich became Goblin Knight (from Superior Spider-Man #16) served like as major enemies towards Harry & teams of Hob-Heroes. Like Phil Urich his origin loose similar did in the comics with few major changes for the show, Marvel Animation recently kept things PG with not fear be mature at sometimes. With reasoning why Phil Urich hatred Hobogoblin (Harry Osborn) and joined
Goblin Nation in most justifiable motives.
Wake Riders only appeared twice in the shows and forgotten by SpiderMan fans, hell fans remember villains from MTV Spider-Man than this guys, think writers would use them for being as Slingers from the comics. Wake Riders have four members and Slingers have Four members. Make sense? Reason why not Wake Riders take up identity of Ricochet, Hornet, Dusk and Prodigy. Slingers never made appearances in any SpiderMan animation shows before. Only appeared in games as costume and one-time Prodigy served as boss in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. Plus that reportedly that “Dusk” he, she or them character getting own movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. Think that four season perfectly could use Wake Riders/Slingers in a episode imagine Web-Warriors facing-off Slingers like Peter and Ben encountered they battle with Slingers before did in comics.
Since second season we didn’t know much about Barkley Blitz and three unnamed Wake Riders members, they completely forgotten not even on any lists of forgotten rouge gallery list of SpiderMan villains. Think each three Wake Riders could shared same names members of Slingers and kept characters backstory least same like did in comics
Blue Wake Riders/Ricochet (Johnathon Gallo)
Orange Wake Riders/Hornet (Edward McDonough)
Yellow Wake Riders/Dusk (Cassie St. Commons)
And Barkley could only donned identity of Prodigy (Not David Alleyne from New Mutants) also have similar backgrounds to Richard Gilmore. There felt needed to be changed because in any adaptation came with superheroes like comic book it not always 100% accurately from sources material. Four Slingers costumes did created Peter Parker in comic about what if...? Costumes was made by Alistair Smythe aand given to Wake Riders secret be stolen techs and plan a heist in secret by pretending to be heroes.
With a interesting twists could like to a in-conflict between Barkley and rest of Wake Riders question Barkley leadership on team even care about them a while one of Wake Riders have second thoughts and try convince two others left Barkley & Wake Riders behind try do some good with there abilities to help people. Seen writers could give extra there time making auditions like the villains little more than one-note bad guys of week by characterize them and make us about felt about them by going different directions in them that call “Character Development” with some villains not all but major like to same with Sandgirl or Electro they did before with Doc. Oct what not same with other SpiderMan foe?
Aftermath of The Vulture unknown fate and remained missing. Wake Riders now on there own with Barkley taking a role as leader. Diss of there attire as Wake Riders/Being Vulture henchman‘s and donned new identity and costume created by Alistar Smythe. Group reforming as “Slingers” each four member adopted one of the costumes. Wake Riders/Slingers pretend acting as reformed villains group and being superheroes under public eyes and Web-Warriors debating they didn’t believe Wake Riders haven’t changed since The Vulture is gone. In reality Slingers still active as thieves selling techs under nose of heroes with leaving trace, but within the group there been divided by unaffected and yet poorly choices under by Barkley only care for task in hands and make those things are accounted to he plans. Rest of Wake Riders (except for Alistar, who took Barkley Blitz/Prodigy him side) are questioned his authority and leadership caused three of them to if wanted change sides, relationship and there loyalty.
Barkley Blitz/Prodigy
Blue Wake Riders/Richochet
Orange Wake Riders/Hornet
Yellow Wake Riders/Dusk
Alistar Smythe (Information Supporter)
One interesting for four season four be cool that about Wake Riders/Wake Goblins be reformed (performed be a good guys) and donned four new identity of Slingers (Dusk, Hornet, Prodigy and Ricochet) and costumes made by Alistair Smythe. This would make there first animated appearance. Imagine get to seem Web-Warriors vs. Slingers on in different media from besides the comics. With episodes have with Wake Riders have conflicts within group causes by Barkley stepping up as leader (after Vulture fate unknown) but doing very bad at it and three others Slingers/Wake Riders either siding with Prodigy (Barkley) or left his the team.