Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) Wiki
Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) Wiki

Jackal (real name: Raymond Warren) is a villain on Marvel's Spider-Man. He is one of the two main antagonists of the first Season, alongside Norman Osborn. He is a former professor at Empire State University '

a former substitute teacher at Midtown High the super villain Jackal and the uncle of Gwen Stacy.

He has not been seen since the end of the Spider-Island event but has been mentioned throughout the second season of the series

Jackal reappeared in Generations having allied himself with Norman in order to confront Gwen and attempt to turn her into the Jackal. His plans almost succeeded when he restrained Gwen with a Synthetic-Symboite but Spy-D showed up and Knocked Jackal out with his Electric-Sting and Venom Punch After the Spider Team and Harry defeated Norman Gwen said that her uncle was finally in prison this time.


Text that are bold are canon-in-training and may or may not be part of the show.

Early Life[]

Raymond Warren is the brother of Helen Stacy and therefore the uncle of Gwen Stacy and the super villain known as the Jackal. After being accused of stealing someone else's work, he was fired from Empire State. Despite never being formally charged, Raymond had a real downfall in his career and is now a substitute teacher in Horizon High.

When visiting Horizon High, he injected a substance in young Aleksei Sytsevich that turned him into a Human-Rhino hybrid. With the help of Gwen, Spider-Man was able to cure Aleksei, defeat Raymond and send him to jail. Later, Gwen laments that it was Raymond her got her into science. Peter Parker comforts her.

Physical Appearance[]

Raymond Warren (Earth-TRN633) from Marvel's Spider-Man Season 1 4 001

As a human, Raymond has grey hair and green eyes.

Raymond's human attire consists of a white caller shirt under a dark brown coat with a red bow tie, dark brown pants, and shoes.

As the Jackal, his skin is green with dark green hairs, his ears are pointed, gained more animalistic features, like fangs and claws. He is also wearing dark grey shorts.

in Generations most likely because he claimed that his human self is no more Jackal's eyes are red and now to his bottom rings poke through his lips.



As Raymond, he is friendly and a bit cheerful. However, he does show a dark side.

As the Jackal, he is malicious and dangerous and a Monster.


Family And Enemies[]


Peter Parker[]

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Raymond appreciated Peter Showing him to Max Modell 's office at Horizon and that he was a friend of Gwen's

As Spider-Man Jackal was curious about him nothing that his powers were familiar . Later on it was revealed that Spider-Man powers came from the same Oscorp spider created by Raymond Warren technically making Spider-Man his first Spider-Solider After that revelation during Spider-Island wanted Spider-Man and Kid-Arachnid did so a cure for Spider-Island could be mass-produced

Miles Morales[]

When Miles appears as the second Spider-Man Raymond Warren wanted Spencer Smythe to Capture him to see his powers came from the same spider Smythe lost.

Sometime during the event of Spider-Island Raymond captured Miles and held him inside of the Oscorp Tower.


Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider[]

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Gwen loves her uncle. Raymond was the one who got her into science and helped her with her first science project. However, when Gwen discovered that her uncle was the Jackal, she was shocked and heartbroken.

When she injected him with a cure to the Jackal Transformation to save Spider-Man from him. Raymond was shocked both by the sneak attack and possibly Gwen coming to

While the two never interacted during Spider-Island Gwen was the second person to become one of her uncle's Spider-Monsters.

In Generations a year since Jackal disappeared after Spider-Island event he resurfaces and sends his Goblin-Sharks to attack Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider in his secret lair.

After the two escape to help Spy-d and Ghost-Spider Jackal reveals himself to be amongst the villains Norman Osborn recruited in his his to combat the Spider Team Obviously Jackal confronted Gwen and lured her back to him home. Using a synthetic-symbiote he restrained Gwen hoping to turn her into a Jackal and have her to join him.

This was Jackal. only reason for allying himself with Norman.

Just Then Miles Appears Behind the Jackal Out of Spider Camouflage and Use his Venom Punch to Know Him Out

Anya Corazon[]

Harry Osborn[]

Norman Osborn[]

Max Modell[]

In contrast to the likes of Norman Osborn Spencer Smythe and Adrian Toomes Raymond had no rivalry or aggression with Max even when the later declined him a job for a teaching position at Horizon High.

Spencer Smythe[]

Spencer was a former ally of Raymond both working together due to their combined hatred of Norman Osborn Spencer was able to regain Raymond 's spider-experiment minus one from Oscorp. Spencer would later be arrested and find that Raymond (lit his clone) was also in prison much to his confusion.

Otto Octavius[]

Power and Abilities[]

Powers As The Jack Transformation[]

  • Transformation
  • Superhuman Strength: The Jackal is strong enough to actually hurt Spider-Man with a few hits.
  • Superhuman Agility: The Jackal has agility beyond that of any normal human.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: The Jackal's reflexes are higher than that of even the finest of athletes.
  • Superhuman Speed: The Jackal's can movie at heightened speed that even Spider-Man has trouble keeping up.
  • Superhuman Acute Senses: The Jackal's senses are heightened to sense danger with sight, sound, and smells.
  • Superhuman
  • Superhuman Leaping and Jump
  • invulnerability
  • Claws
  • Wall Crawling


Genius Intellect: Raymond is a skilled specialist in cellular biology and molecular sciences, especially in biochemistry and genetics. Also he is able to use and programming different types of advanced technologies like complex laboratory equipments, microchips or robots.


Experiment Spiders[]

Jackal Formula[]

a formula that make Raymond first became The Jackal when watch he's video and now he try to make Gwen the jackal like him

Rhino Formula[]

when the Rhino formula was once on a injected Ring by Raymond when he almost made Max Mondell he's first test subject But Use on Aleksei instead

Spider Formula[]

Injection Ring[]

A ring that allows Raymond to store his DNA experiments and injection someone with it unknowingly. it appears that the smaller samples the ring hold take a longer amount of time to transform the person into a mutant animal. He Almost try to make Max Modell he's first human test subject but ends up in Aleksei instead

Mind-Control Devices[]

Jackal's Animal Serums[]

Monsters Creations[]



Jackal Clones[]


Goblin Shakes[]

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]






  • Gwen appeared to have been living with Raymond.
  • In the comics, it is Raymond's brother, Miles, who becomes Jackal. Miles was Peter and Gwen's professor at ESU who was infatuated with Gwen and jealous of Peter. Following Gwen's death at Green Goblin's hands, he blames Peter and tries to kill him. Raymond on the other hand is Peter's science teacher and Peter was one of his favorite students.
  • John DiMaggio also voiced Sandman and Hammerhead in Spectacular Spiderman.