Now he must take it to the max.
-Narrator Maximum Venom Web of Venom
In the third season of Marvel's Spider-Man now subtitled: Maximum Venom' Venom is planning to call in a symbiotie invasion from his homeward to take over the Earth. With a threat this big it will take the combined might of not only Spider-Man and his friends' but the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy as well. This will be the biggest event in Marvel Animation history following a story arc that fans will remember in Guardians of the Galaxy but is not required to know for this season.
titled Marvel's Spider-Man Maximum Venom, Spider-Man is pushed to his breaking point when Venom summons an earth-shattering threat from its home plant'
Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for two (not exactly smooth) years.
He's faced many super heroic and personal challenges while managing to keep New York safe. Now going into his third year at the prestigious Horizon High Peter is Confident he can handle anything that comes his way but even he can't imagine what's next Venom changes all that when he brings about a battle with global stakes
List of episodes[]
- The title of the season is a reference to the Maximum Carnage event from the 90s, while the story draws inspiration from Planet of the Symbiotes, Venomized and Donny Cates's Venom.
- Desptie the article claiming this is Peter and friend's junior year at Horizon High Max Modell states that it has been two weeks since Spider-Man defeat Adrian Tomes.
- The subtitle of the season is a reference to the comic book storyline Maximum Carnage while the plot of the season.
- This is the final season of Marvel’s Spider-Man.