Spencer Smythe is the father of Alistaire Smythe and a former teacher at Midtown High.
and former associate of Adrian Toomes Norman Osborn and Raymond Warren The Jackal.
He hasn't been seen of mentioned since Season One After He was Arrested
He went with a group from Midtown High on a field trip to Oscorp Tower.
Framing Harry Osborn And Attacks Horizon and Midtown[]
Later, Spencer hired Scorpion to steal vibranium. Then, he framed Harry Osborn for sabotaging a machine at a lecture at Midtown High which caused Harry to be suspended from Horizon High for an investigation.
The investigation proved that Spencer was the one who sabotaged the machine and was fired, which lead Harry to return to Horizon High, which he declined later on.
Teaming With Raymond Warren[]
The now unemployed Spencer tried to apply for work at Osborn Academy, but was rejected. He later teams up with Raymond Warren to collect genetically enhanced spiders. But as he was leaving, he bumps into Miles Morales and ends up losing one of the spiders from Oscorp. Then, he sees a video of a new Spider-Man (Miles after being bitten). Spencer then goes after Spider-Man in a giant robot. However, his son shows up also in a giant robot to do the same. After the battle, the other Spider-Man defeats Spencer and sends him to jail where he finds Raymond Warren sitting in a cell. Spencer asks how got back into prison to which Raymond answered that he had no idea what he was talking about.
Physical Appearance[]

Spencer Smythe is an older man with grey hair that forms into a beard and mustache combo and blue eyes. He also wears a pair of glasses.
His attire consists of a white lab coat over a light blue sweater vest with a white shirt, and dark green necktie, dark pants, and black shoes.
Like his son, Spencer is arrogant, stuck up, and harsh.
Alistair Smythe[]

Spencer and his son are quite alike. Spencer often tries to make his son look good.
Alistair is the only person Spencer has shown he truly cares for for even telling him that a school like Horizon High is beneath him. However the two came into conflict when trying to capture both Spider-Men. Spencer for Raymond Warren and Alistair for Norman Osborn. it is unknown how they feel each currently
Norman Osborn[]
Spencer hated Norman after he mass-produced copies of his Spider-Slayer robots and fell back on his promise for a teaching position at Osborn Academy
Harry Osborn[]
Spencer has a dislike of Harry. Most likely because of his father, Norman Osborn.
Raymond Warren[]
Spencer and Raymond worked together in Midtown before they lost their jobs. Later on, they joined forces to steal genetically Enhanced spiders from Oscrop. When Spencer was arrested, he saw Raymond in prison and wondered how he got there, though Raymond had no idea what he was talking about.
Peter Parker[]
Max Modell[]
Liz Allen[]
Adrain Toomes[]
Powers and Abilities[]
- Genius Intellect
Episodes Appearance[]
Season 1[]
- Origin
- Horizon High Part 1 Episode 1
- Horizon High Part 2 Episode 2
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Later End Up in Prison) Episode 8
- The Rise of Doc Ock Part 3 (Security Footage)
- This is Spencer Smythe's third animated appearance.
- He is Voiced by Ben Diskin who also Voiced Flash and Venom (Season 1 ).
- it is unknown how his relationship with Alistar is after Ultimate Spider-Man
- Despite Alistar reappearing in season 2 Spencer is never mentioned or brought up by him
- He Started Working for Raymond Warren and Brough 8 of He's Spiders in a Case
- He was Later End Up in Prison With Raymond Warren Which Happened to Be He's Clone in Ultimate Spider-Man
- in the Comic of Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man in 1965 Spencer Started his Spider-Slayers Til His Son Alistaire Follows His Father's Footsteps and Build His Own Slayers