Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) Wiki
Marvel's Spider-Man (2017) Wiki


When Miles Morales is bitten by an experimental Spider and gains spider Powers Spider-Man must teach the responsibilities of being a Superhero

While trying to get the spider from the experiment that granted Peter his powers, Spencer Smythe attacks Oscorp with a Spider-Slayer that he previously stole from Norman Osborn. Spencer Smythe bumps into Miles outside of Oscorp. One such spider called the Electrolis Arachnatis escapes and bites Miles, giving him powers as well. It is shown that Spencer Smythe is in allegiance with Raymond Warren who somehow got out of prison so that they can experiment with the eight spiders as part of their plot agains their mutual enemy Norman Osborn. Now Peter has to stop Miles from going all out, which leads to both Spencer Smythe on Warren's behalf and Alistair Smythe on Osborn's behalf attacking Miles' neighborhood with giant Spider-Slayers.


The Episode Began With Peter Walking on he's way to Horizon high when suddenly he see miles getting problem with Bullies

Meanwhile while peter was in he's lab at Horizon Typing to find out about Spencer Smythe game plan and find out why Norman lie about the Spider Slayer coming after Harry When Miles Start Video Calling and Answer and Told Peter to See Him in he's Lab. and agree later when Peter when in miles lab and Can See Him Anywhere until when he turns around behind him when miles jumps down from the ceiling and surprise him with he's Red and Black Spider-Man Suit

Wants the World to Listen to Miles and try to show he's powers and identity to everyone but Peter Explains that secret identity exists for a reason and being a superhero is dangerous and can't go around sharing he's private life with anyone he's known Least Miles Understand Peter Til He Shows it with Gwen and Anya

Anya Suggest With Gwen That They All Want to get Spider Powers

Peter Start Stressing Out and Advises Them That Powers Can Come With a Lot of Responsibility



Other Characters[]

Electrolis Arachnatis

Avengers (Mentioned)



Ultimate Spider-Man/ Transcript


Ultimate Spider-Man/Gallery


  • Peter Parker There nothing to be shame of Miles
  • Peter Parker I use to get bullied at Midtown High All the time
  • Peter Parker Guys you talk about those powers like there a gift


  • This Episode Reveals That Raymond Warren is The One Who Created the Spider Which Gave Peter's He's Powers
  • it Reveal that Norman Was Responsible for Spencer Smythe Having Harry Kick Out of Horizon High
  • The First Time We See Miles Became The Second Person With Spider Powers From Being Bitte By Another Spider After Peter
  • This is the Last Episode that Spencer Smythe Makes a Physical Appearance
  • Miles Throwing Up is a reference to Ultimate Comics; Spider-Man Ofer He is Bitte By the Oz Formula Spider He Throws up Afterwards.
  • Gwen and and Anya's enthusiasm About Gaining Spider-Powers is Foreshadowing to Them Becoming Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider and Spider-Girl
  • Miles is the Second Person who is Bitten by Another Spider after Peter.
  • Gwen and Anya Wanted it To Have Spider Powers
  • Peter Advice Miles Gwen and Anya That Having Powers As Gifts 🎁 They Can Come With a Lot of Responsibility
  • Miles was Bitting By a Dark Black and Red Call Electrolis Arachnatis after Red and Blue with Peter
  • Gwen
  • Miles First Show He's Black and Red Suit To Peter After Calls Him Online And Later To Anya And Gwen.
  • Gwen and Anya Want To Have Spider-Powers Like Miles And Peter
  • Peter Tells To Miles Gwen and Anya About Having Powers As Gifts And Come With a Lot Of Responsibility
  • Gwen and Anya's enthusiasm about gaining spider-powers is foreshadowing to them becoming spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider and Spider-Girl Later on
  • Judging the range of Oscorp view from Miles neighbourhood he and his father most likely live in Manhattan in the Series instead of Brooklyn like in the comics
  • Peter Explains that being a Superhero is Dangerous and Can't go around sharing he's private life with Anyone he knows Til He Show Gwen and Anya
  • Raymond Warren has 8 Spiders Experiment in 5 Cases Til Spencer Smythe Took One With Case Number 3